[Coco] Telewriter

L. Curtis Boyle curtisboyle at sasktel.net
Fri Apr 20 11:20:19 EDT 2007

On Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:11:23 -0600, <coco at yourdvd.net> wrote:

> I once had the fortune to correspond with mr. Daniels and he didn't use
> an assembler. He had memorised the 6809's instruction set (not the
> mnemonics, the actual binary code - he said he hand assembled his
> software) truly an amazing man. I wonder, is he still with us? Anyone
> know? -r
   I don't think I have seen him since the early 1990's, at either a  
Rainbowfest or Cocofest. He was from Ontario, I believe.

L. Curtis Boyle

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