[Coco] NOS9 Boot_Burke

Chester A Patterson vchester at setec-cr.com
Thu Oct 26 09:33:05 EDT 2006

Found it (in the mb script) Wow! The NOS9Gen has a kernel option, that's
super neato!
However I'm still very interested in your utilities. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Gene Heskett [mailto:gene.heskett at verizon.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:28 PM
To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts
Subject: Re: [Coco] NOS9 Boot_Burke

On Wednesday 25 October 2006 18:06, Chester A Patterson wrote:
>I looked for krnl2dir, krnltodir and vfy in RTSI, but didn't find.
>Please, could you perhaps be more specific.
>I looked in the NOS9 SCRIPTS and BootLists but found nothing that 
>affects the hidden boot files.
>Does the NOS9 DSIKINI.EXE work to pass .DSK PC files to OS9 readable 
Humm, I was going to browse rtsi.com and find them, but rtsi.com seems
to be on the missing list this evening.  Sorry.  And there is a util
that generates new track 34's, it might be a script named mb, for make

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