[Coco] Running 5.25" drives with Win 2000

Stephen Castello zootzoot at cfl.rr.com
Tue Nov 21 17:49:33 EST 2006

On Mon, 20 Nov 2006 21:35:06 -0800, Jim Cox <jimcox at miba51.com> had a
flock of green cheek conures squawk out:

>The problem I seem to be having isn't with Windows 2000 
>(not XP) but with the Motherboard of the one PC I am 
>trying to work with.  I set the system up to have two 3.5" 
>drives, and only the A drive works.  The B drive does not 
>work.  I swapped drives ( A<->B) and only the A drive 
>works, regardless of the 3.5" drive connected to it.

Sounds like the floppy floppy cable is bad.


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