[Coco] Trouble with OmniFlop

Mike Pepe lamune at doki-doki.net
Sun May 28 16:21:21 EDT 2006

Robert Gault wrote:

> I've had success but am not sure if it makes sense. I was under the 
> impression that the normal tpi for a Coco was 48. That was the value I 
> was using with OmniFlop with 3.5" disks. It does not work.
> Jason suggested trying 96tpi and that gives perfect results.
> So Bert, for starters try selecting 96tpi when formatting and writing 
> with OmniFlop and let us know what happens.

3.5" disks are 96tpi regardless of their capacity. 5.25" disks are 48tpi 
if the 40 track variety, 96tpi if the 80 track variety.

It could be that omniflop is literally following your instructions and 
is attempting to make a 48tpi 3.5" disk by double-stepping, making an 
unreadable disk.

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