[Coco] Re: NitrOS-9 Level 3!?

Leon Howell puritan_2076 at yahoo.com
Wed May 17 19:23:59 EDT 2006

Frank Pittel <fwp at ...> writes:

> Leon,
> I miss typed. 

And I got all exited over nothing. Oh well, It will be here someday. I still 
havn't caught up with Nitros anyway, so I guess it's a good thing.

> There are however a number of changes
> and you do need to be careful about changes.

Like when I tried to set up a Multi-Vue disk, following the instructions in the 
manual to the letter? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
> I would like to suggest that the nitros9 developers include a "changes" file 
>when releasing changes.

I think there is a "Change Log" in the zip file, but there are *no* specific 
details, so it doesn't do much good. also, it should be on the disk. There is 
some additional info on changes in the /defs directory, but again, nothing 

Computer manuals are as notorious as acts of congress for lack of clarity. When 
upgrades as big as these are distributed with absolutely *no* documentation, 
espesialy with as os as complicated as OS-9, you have an exelent excuse to go 

So, programmers, how about a little help here? Please remember that not only do 
some of us out here find C unreadable, but all those pathnames and scripts too.
While you're at it, see if you can add some nice easy new features to GShell, 
please? Here's a hint: borrow a Commodore 64/128 and play with Geos for a 
while. Or an Apple IIe with MouseDesk. Multi-Vue is great, as far as it goes, 
but it could go a lot farther in simplifying NitrOS-9.

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