[Coco] Portal09 help, new project...

Roger Merchberger zmerch at 30below.com
Sun Jan 22 23:46:30 EST 2006

Rumor has it that Roger Taylor may have mentioned these words:
>At 08:00 PM 1/22/2006, you (actually, me) wrote:

>>Couple questions: Can a non-registered Portal-09 build enough of a 
>>project to at least show errors? I doubt my first "quickie-prog" 
>>assembled without an armload of goofs...

Wanna hear something scary? There were no errors in my listing. I have no 
idea if it could actually run yet [see below], but I guess I'm not as dumb 
as I thought! ;-)

>Post your readout.txt file contents here and I'll tell you what's 
>happening.  The most common problem seems to be that people aren't tagging 
>their .asm files correctly so that they are assembled.  Instead, they get 
>skipped and the user scratches his head.

But you're still smarter than me -- Among other things, that was exactly 
what was happening. Not perzactly sure what I clicked on yet to change 
that, but I did get it to assemble....

However... (there's always a however, eh??? ;-)

One thing I noticed is that Portal-9 does *not* like to be installed 
anywhere than where it defaults to - Being a geek, I have a multitude of 
drives on my system, my primary 'classic' data drive being I:. I even 
eschewed my tendency to want to install it way down deep in my CoCoStuff 
directory, and just left it at i:\Portal-9. It didn't like that at all. 
Even going into all the path settings and changing them 'round, some things 
still didn't work (like a lot of the Help functions).

I did find them directly, but now that I reinstalled Portal-9 into 
c:\Portal-9 it seems much happier.

>...and won't end up on a .dsk as well like they should.

But they're not... Those in control of M.E.S.S. must have changed something 
with imgtool, as this snipped from READOUT shows:


imgtool put coco_dmk_rsdos "Disks\Newtest1.dsk" "Files\newprg.bin" 
--ftype=binary --ascii=binary
--ftype: Unrecognized option



Is there any way of 'adjusting' the CLI flags that Portal-9 uses on 
imgtool, or would that require a change to the source code & recompile?

Oh, I'm running M.E.S.S. 103b - the latest as of a few days ago, on Winders 2K.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
zmerch at 30below.com

What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????

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