[Coco] Re: OS-9 word processors

Paul T. Barton idezilla at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 17 00:06:14 EDT 2005

--- "L. Curtis Boyle" <curtisboyle at sasktel.net>

> VED and SCRED were the two main ones I used for
> Nitros9 development; SCRED  
> at first because it was one of the few that
> could handle files larger than  
> 64K (although, it made moving around in the
> file a pain, it DID work) and  
> because it also could run from terminals
> (ADM-22's in our case), and VED  
> for smaller source listings (and the bigger
> ones once we split them up)  
> because of it's speed, small footprint and
> better editing capabilities.

Anyone know where VED can be gotten?
I already have SCRED.

Paul - idezilla

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