[Coco] Anyone from Color America here?

Tony Cappellini tony at tcapp.com
Wed Sep 14 02:04:37 EDT 2005

I used to belong to a Computer group based in Monrovia California, back in 
the 84-86 (approx) time frame.
I'm just wondering if there are any former members on this list.

I'm hoping to find a program- (which I don't really know the name of) , 
which was an excellent Disk Utility (copy, delete, move, rename files, etc) 
for the Coco.
We used to call it Z, but I think that was a nickname, and I don't remember 
who wrote it. I want to say Alan someone, but that is just a vague memory.
I do remember that it required 64K to run, and one of the guys from Color 
America (Rick someone upgraded my Coco 1, so I could run it :-)
I don't even remember if it was commercial, or just a freebee.

Does anyone remember this program :-)?

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