[Coco] The COCO has not been forgotten at the Computer History Musuem

Tony Cappellini tony at tcapp.com
Wed Sep 14 01:36:32 EDT 2005

I've just taken my second tour at the Computer History Museum in Mountain 
View, California.

I'm happy to say that there is a COCO2, as well as a Model I, Model III, 
and Model 100.
I highly recommend this tour to anyone who has an  interest in retro-computing.
The museum specializes in the the monsters a such as the IBM 360's, Crays, 
and PDP's, but has a few shelves with  Apple 2s, Commodores, TI's, 
Sinclairs, Atari's etc.

Some of the docents worked at several of the companies whose computers are 
now in the museum and can tell many interesting stories from their past.
Each time you go, if you're lucky, you will hear different stories than on 
the previous tour.

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