[Coco] Tiny IDE controller...

Paul T. Barton idezilla at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 16 20:55:01 EST 2005

So, I wanted to try and see if an IDE controller
could be made out of surplus stuff. I found a
Lattice CPLD on a board, sucked it off and
re-programmed it to do 8-bit (only) IDE.
No upper data latch ($FF78).
It has a fixed address of $FF7X (0..7)
only because it ran out of pins.
Really tiny stuff. There is another PAL
on board to decode the $FFXX area, 74LS30 style.
It doesn't take much to do IDE.

Here's the direct link as
it's not on my page, yet.


Paul T Barton - idezilla

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