[Coco] mixing and matching floppey drives and controllers

Arthur Flexser flexser at fiu.edu
Sat Jun 18 15:50:48 EDT 2005

All CoCo drives, so far as I know, used the same kinds of connectors and are
compatible with one another.  Are you referring to your older connector having
some pins pulled?  This was done for drive selection purposes, but you can
accomplish the same thing by setting the jumpers correctly on the drive.


On Sat, 18 Jun 2005, Frank Pittel wrote:

> I've currently got a 502 floppy drive and a 502 controller that doesn't work.
> I've also got a old vertical floppy drive with a controller(not made by RS).
> The floppy drive doesn't work but the controller seems to.
> My question is can I connect the 502 drive to the older controller? I ask because
> the connecters are different.
> Frank 
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