[Coco] Multi Vue?

Vern Burke vburke at skow.net
Thu Aug 25 09:31:43 EDT 2005

I do still have my originals for Multi Vue, just didn't know what all 
the parts were that I should grab to bring it totally up to snuff.

gcal 1.2?
gshell 3.2?

Anything else?


Robert Gault wrote:
> I don't see the MVue program on RTSI although there are some utilities 
> for it. If you want to try compiling the source code from Nitros9.org, I 
> think you can generate the full MVue package.
> Vern Burke wrote:
>> Greetings all:
>>    Ah the joy of having a working CC3 system again and rooting around 
>> on RTSI :). Now it's time for some apps. Presuming I'm starting virgin 
>> ( :) ), can someone tell me all of what I should be downloading and 
>> installing to bring Multi Vue up to par? Lots of bits and pieces on 
>> RTSI, I'm not sure of exactly what all I need. TIA!
>> Vern

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