[Coco] Re: Computer Chronicles CoCo Episode

Charlie chazbeenhad at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 20 08:43:42 EDT 2004

Very neat Boisy. Good find. I downloaded the Mpeg-2 to my laptop, hooked it
up to the TV and watched the episode.
It was good to see the CoCo there, and that poor Multipak on its face every
shot it was in. :-)

Those 386-SX Multimedia PCs were a trip too.


"Boisy G. Pitre" <boisy at boisypitre.com> wrote in
message news:7FE614BB-09E0-11D9-8A22-0003939F08E6 at boisypitre.com...
> Years back someone (possibly Allen Huffman?) mentioned that the show on
> PBS, Computer Chronicles, actually did an episode on Tandy Computers
> with a segment on the Color Computer and OS-9.  Over those years, I've
> tried to find more information about the episode.  Finally, after
> running a search on the web, I found the video of the 1991 episode:
> http://www.archive.org/movies/details-db.php?
> collection=computerchronicles&collectionid=episode_921
> The first part of the show covers the CoCo in great detail and even
> shows screen shots of Multi-Vue and OS-9, and mentions them by name.  A
> rather nerdy looking guy named Mark Paulson from the Santa Clara CoCo
> User Group is doing most of the talking during the interview.  Very,
> very interesting.
> --
> Boisy G. Pitre
> E-Mail: boisy at boisypitre.com
> Mobile: (337) 739-7584
> Web: www.boisypitre.com
> -- 
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