[coco] For Boisy or Mark ref Super Driver

Ray Watts rayanddoraleew at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 17 12:34:49 EDT 2004

RJRTTY at aol.com wrote:

>In a message dated 9/16/04 5:32:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time, mmarlett at isd.net 
>>I have been swamped by the SuperIDE project and sales this year. I work
>> full time and spend at least 1 1/2 hour commutting a day. I have three
>> orders left and I'll be caught up in my order back log. That hasn't
>> happened since March of this year. CoCo market? You bet!!! 
>     One reason that I have not purchased anything from cloud-9 lately is
>I am afraid it would take too much of Mark's time.
>I don't  care how long it takes, I am happy to be patient for the superboard.
>Without Mark and Boisy we got nothing.  One of the reasons I
>stepped up and researched the XRGB upscan converter was to
>give people an alternative to "lets get Mark to do it".  I continue
>to look for other solutions that offer using plentiful SVGA monitors with
>the coco3 ,specifically for something less expensive than the XRGB
>converter.  I have looked inside the XRGB converter and it is "scary"
>in there.  The chip that does the conversion is a high density surface
>mount part driven by another custom part with "XRGB" printed on it.
>That part is connected to the control buttons on the outer encloser.
>Overall, it doesn't look good for finding something simple and
>inexpensive to use as a coco3 based converter.  The AL250
>in the matco converter looks more promising as a useful
>alternative.  I also have on order a converter used with
>the Atari ST series of computer.  We'll see what happens.
>     The bottom line is we should be patient.  We don't want Mark
>and Boisy to "burn out" and leave us high and dry.  If it takes
>longer to do it right then I say "so be it".
Roy,   Just to inform you that one of my standing jokes to Mark, which I 
hope he NEVER takes (too) seriously, is that one of the first products 
he advertised when he started Cloud-9 was a 2-meg board.  I quickly 
jumped on the bandwagon since this was a period of time when all else 
was quiet on the CoCo front.  A lot of things have happened and a lot of 
new products have appeared over ensuing years, but nothing from him with 
a 2-meg RAM capability.  Being a typical Yankee (are you reading this 
Dave & Dave?), I never let up once I start ragging someone.  Being a 
Mid-Westerner, Mark may have a bit of a problem understanding Yankee 
humor, but, hopefully, he will survive and continue his good work.

Cheers,    Griz

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