[Coco] CoCo to SVGA

John R. Hogerhuis jhoger at pobox.com
Thu Oct 28 18:54:16 EDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 15:29, Mark McDougall wrote:

> As most people reading this thread are no doubt aware, any process that 
> re-samples analogue to digital (or converts one analogue format to another) 
> is going to degrade quality along the way. So doing anything with the 
> analogue RGB outputs on the CoCo is never going to look better than the 
> original signal (given comparable monitor qualities).

That's certainly true. But I think the original signal (not hooked to a
crap CM-8, mind you) looks pretty good, so why do we need to do any

I think the issue would come if the end product looked noticably worse
than a good quality analog RGB monitor hooked to coco 3.

My only real requirements for such a cc3 analog rgb -> rgb converter is
that it make a readable 80 column screen, the colors look good, and that
the price be less than $75...

As in any kind of engineering, we don't require perfection, it just has
to meet specified tolerance...

-- John.

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