[Coco] Anybody ever post "Quaver"?
Neil Morrison
neilsmorr at hotpop.com
Tue Mar 30 23:54:16 EST 2004
The software runs fine from tape, but if I try to load it directly I
get FM or IO errors. According to Dennis:-
"I have a printed listing in front of me, from the documentation. It
specifies bytes $40-$43 get some data, then a set of tables at $4400,
$4500, $4600 and $4700. It then sets the port at $FF20, and loads the
program beginning at the fixed address of $4800. All memory from
$5000 to $8000 is assigned to the compiled music."
This may be a problem to transfer to disk. I'll have to think on it.
It can be done, I just need to figure out the method.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Gault" <robert.gault at worldnet.att.net>
> Neil,
> "Load to disk" is not very clear. I don't think you can copy from
> to disk so the process will be CLOADM to memory and SAVEM to disk.
> Based on Dennis' message the BASIC driver loads the ML program to a
> specific memory location. That suggests that the ML code was
> either without a loadm address or $0000 was used. Based on what
> said you will probably need to CLOADM"mlcode",&H4800. That is,
> load the ml program to its correct memory location.
> The problem will be knowing how long the program is because you
> then need to SAVEM"mlcode",&H4800,&H????,&H0000. The ???? is the
> byte of the ml code and 0000 is a fake exec address. It looks like
> &H49FF should be a safe address for the final byte of code.
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