[Coco] Looking for CoCo astronomy and space software.

Neil Morrison neilsmorr at hotpop.com
Mon Jan 19 16:53:47 EST 2004

Actually a lot of the stuff there is old type Basic code which is why
I linked it to my MC-10 page. The good part is you don't need to type
and run - just run!


SUNUP.BAS Aug 94, p. 84 Times of sunrise/set at any place on Earth

10 '         Sunrise-Sunset
20 GOSUB 300
30 INPUT "Lat, Long (deg)";B5,L5
40 INPUT "Time zone (hrs)";H
50 L5=L5/360: Z0=H/24
60 GOSUB 1170: T=(J-2451545)+F
70 TT=T/36525+1: ' TT = centuries
80 '               from 1900.0
90 GOSUB 410: T=T+Z0
100 '
110 '       Get Sun's Position

1320 '   This program by Roger W. Sinnott calculates the times of
1330 '   and sunset on any date, accurate to the minute within
1340 '   centuries of the present.  It correctly describes what
happens in the
1350 '   arctic and antarctic regions, where the Sun may not rise or
set on
1360 '   a given date.  Enter north latitudes positive, west
1370 '   negative.  For the time zone, enter the number of hours west
1380 '   Greenwich (e.g., 5 for EST, 4 for EDT).  The calculation is
1390 '   discussed in Sky & Telescope for August 1994, page 84.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <jimcox at miba51.com>

> Hi Neil:
> Just took a quick look at it and it looks like a good
> source for PC software (remember, I said "quick look" :)
> I'll bookmark it for my PC interests.
> I'm looking for CoCo software since I assume most of it
> would be in basic, so I can take a look at it and
> understand what's going on, or am I mistaken in that
> assumption?
> I doubt there is a list of the type and run programs
> featured in Rainbow, Hot CoCo, ect. so I'll have to spend
> some time digging through them to find the programs I'm
> looking for.  Cheers!

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