[Coco] Re: [Color Computer] Coco 2 Schematics

mark at cloud9tech.com mark at cloud9tech.com
Tue Dec 14 12:56:09 EST 2004


GREAT! There is a time for everything. We do need ideas both good ones and
not so good ones. No such thing as a bad idea if anyone has been to those
brainstorming meetings....

Not everyone has the time, desire, etc. That is what makes us who were are.
The CoCo is what it is. For me a huge part of my life, but not the only


>> The number of do'ers over
>> talkers.
>You're right Mark. I for my part would like to be on the "do'er" side.
>But it's not my time yet. I'll need about 4 more months to do the next
>bigger step in my life. I don't know if I'll have more spare time then,
>but at least I should have my head free for *doing* something.
>Meanwhile, I enjoy *talking*. I think talking is better than nothing. If
>we wouldn't talk, the CoCo community would already be dead. I love to
>read what people remember from past times and it's calling back my
>memories. I would have forgotten almost everything (I haven't used my
>CoCo knowledge for about 15 years). I stay in contact with the CoCo by
>talking with both do'ers and talkers. In the last few years I almost
>completed my collection. That's a start. Now I have enough machines of
>any type (CoCo 1, 1.9, 2, 2.1, 3) to start over with some hardware
>projects (I wouldn't have dared this before with just one "holy" CoCo2
>around). Let's see which of my software projects are still readable (if
>any). However, for the moment I'll stay tuned talking. Just my 0.02 EUR.
>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

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