[Coco] CoCo games market survey

AMODMO at aol.com AMODMO at aol.com
Wed Nov 26 21:42:00 EST 2003

I have two CoCo3 computers running (and two or three others in boxes, but 
some of them may not work), both with disk drives, one single-sided vertical 
drive the other double-sided horizontal drive. I have a Citizen GSX140 and a 
Okidata ML92 printer, both in fairly frequent use.

I use my CoCo with the Okidata printer mainly for printing mailing labels and 
disk labels. It's a 9-pin dot-matrix printer and it's as solid as a rock and 
very reliable. I use the other mostly for playing music generated by George 
Quellhorst's great MUSIC3+ program and for my own SONGBOOk program, which plays 
music while displaying the words to a song, one verse at a time. I also use it 
for printing miscellaneous documents, letters, etc. (although mostly I use my 
iMac computer with H-P ink jet printer for letters because of its excellent 
performance and ease of use in printing photos). The Citizen printer, a 24-pin 
dot-matrix printer, does fine work when it's working correctly but it's a 
little cranky.

I don't really need any new programs (I have Telewriter 128, a great word 
processor, but I rarely use it).

I've never used the CoCo for games and I'm not very interested in games.

This morning I tried to streamline my old Typaline 80 (my home made Basic 
word processor) program so it would use less memory and unclutter the various 
screens, but I didn't get much accomplished. I still like it because it's easy to 
use and always displays menus to guide you in every step of your work. 
Because it's rather bulky (it was the first Basic program I wrote, back in the mid 
80's) it doesn't leave a lot of memory for the text files it creates - - - a 
maximum of 180 lines.

I appreciate your efforts. Dave (AMODMO at aol.com)

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