[Coco] MM1 programmes

Bob Devries bdevries at gil.com.au
Sun Nov 16 05:08:00 EST 2003

Gene said:
> That looks good Bob, I don't quickly see a reason it should lock up.
> You might try checking to see if there is data before you read it,
> but I don't remember that call's syntax in b09 now.

Um, I'm using Basic for 68K. While not *very* different, I've been caught a
few times.

> It shouldn't
> come back from the get until there is data IIRC, and the FEFE....
> would seem to indicate something isn't 'kosher' in the /mi driver.

I know very little about the MIDI specification, but I'm wondering if the
FEFE isn't some sort of clocking signal.

> Also, repeated runs will fill up the device table since there isn't a
> corresponding close to clean the table out when exiting.  That will
> take a reboot to fix.  Been there, done that... :)

Actually, I did use a close. That bit of code was more psuedo than real.

Regards, Bob Devries; Ipswich, Queensland, Australia

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