[Coco] gcc-coco revisited

Nathan Woods npwoods at cybercom.net
Thu Nov 13 16:40:00 EST 2003

> I don't understand why M.E.S.S. needs to keep up with all machines 
> emulated, when only one emulation window can be active at a time.

I don't understand this; it isn't like all the different emulations are
running at the same time.

> Now, 
> it would be great to be able to bring up 2 CoCo's at once in their own

> window and play around with OS-9 sending files back and forth through
> sort of virtual communication device, such as /t2 and a modem.  This
> allow development of terminal-type programs, etc.  Anyway... just a
silly idea.

Not that silly at all IMHO

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