[Coco] large HD in OS9/68K

Bob Devries bdevries at gil.com.au
Tue Nov 11 17:36:00 EST 2003

After Dave Kelly's wonderfully informational post about hard drives in
OS9/68K, I'm still having a problem setting up a 1GB drive under OS9/68K

If I format the drive as it stands ($208818 sectors), it formats perfectly,
BUT I cannot boot from it. Probably a ROM bug (or limitation).

If I set the drive descriptor for say 256MB, it gets formatted OK, and it
boots OK, BUT I cannot copy what is now on the 20MB drive to it. It fills up
approx 1MB worth, and then reports error 248 (disk full).

What is going on?


BTW, I set the drive PD_Ctrl bit 3 off, and cluster size to 1, cyls to 256,
sides to 32, sct,tos to 64. Am I missing something. Is there a bug in RBF
(version 79)?

Regards, Bob Devries; Ipswich, Queensland, Australia

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