[Coco] RGB-DOS & SCSI Hard Drives

Chris Spry bugster at cedarcomm.com
Wed Dec 17 17:11:42 EST 2003

Well guys, I got my lot of lower sized SCSI hard drives in.  They range from
40MB and up.  I've tried all the 40MB and 80MB hard drives with the Ken-Ton
and success, when I discovered that I needed to disable the parity, they
would work and be detected.  But whenever I try to run the format program to
format the hard drive, I get an error message after entering in all the
technical information (and I gather this info from hd-utils in turn which
reads it from the hd itself).  I gives an IO error when it tries to format
any of them and when I try the re-initialize drive option in HD-Utils it
gives a different error message everytime I try a different drive.  These
were all at one time drives in old Apple MAC machines.  Would this have
anything to do with it?


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