[Coco] Downloading software from Larry Greenfield's site?

clifford redding clifford_redding2003 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 12 23:36:45 EST 2003

.arc can be decompressed with the program "unarc". You can get that at the rtsi site. As far as the emulation stuff, I can't help. I use a real CoCo. I wrote a little program that converts the .dsk to a real disk if you need. A little slow (well, O.K. real slow) but does the job.

jimcox at miba51.com wrote:
I've been trying to download several programs from Larry 
Greenfield's site, but can't figure it out.

I think I would need to use the same method that Robert 
Gault suggested I use, but I'm not sure.

Where can I find "The Compressor" which is software to 
un-ARC software with the .ARC extension.

As for programs with .DSK extension, Larry say's in his 
site, that I need to Dshrink to un-shrink these files 
since they are in DSHRINK format. Where can I find 

As far as the .BIN and .BAS files, I think that once 
better understand what Robert Gault advised me to do, I 
shoudl be able to transfer these from my PC to my CoCo.

I know I have a RTFM'ng to do, and I'll try and find time 
to do that between reading the books and specs required 
by my new job. Thanks for any help you can offer.


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