[Coco] Coco Newby

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz bathory at maltedmedia.com
Tue Dec 2 10:10:00 EST 2003

At 10:02 AM 12/2/03 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>Then Rodney Zacks also did a couple books, but they were far more 
>mistake prone than Bills were.  One of his (Rodney's)  mistakes in 
>the Z-80 book cost me quite a bit of time many years ago.  One tends 
>to remember things like that I guess.
>IMO Bill understood the 6809, but Rodney was just a writer.

He was careless. I helped edit the Z-80 book, and my late friend Phil
Hooper helped edit the 6502 book. But we might as well have started writing
from scratch -- these were in *galley* stages when we got them, far too
late to get all the mistakes. Yuck. And yes, Bill was both a real writer
and person who understood these devices in an intuitive way.


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