[arg_discuss] ARGs in institutions (museums, universities, schools, etc)

Jeff Watson remotedevice at gmail.com
Fri Feb 12 11:37:36 EST 2010

Hello ARG SIG,

I'm involved in putting together an ARG for a major post-secondary
institution and wanted to poll the list for examples of similar projects
(and the designers behind them).

In particular, I'm looking for ARGs or ARG-likes (including mobile games,
passive ambient games, etc) that take place at:

* museums (e.g. ghosts of a chance, etc)
* universities (as orientation events or anything else)
* high schools (incl stuff like quest2learn)
* libraries
* educational systems (ie, across an entire school district, etc)

Any help would be appreciated. I'll funnel any new info into the ARG SIG's
"Educators and ARGs" IGDA wiki page...



Jeff Watson
skype: remotedevice

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