[arg_discuss] first post!

allan norico thenobleclass at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 02:44:41 EDT 2009

Hello everyone!

Just a quick introduction. My name is Allan Norico and I'm a visual
development artist from NYC. I recently had an opportunity to take some time
off from work to get a few personal projects off the ground, one being a
program called The Noble Class. It's an alternative education experience
designed for art students and entry level artists to acclimate to different
production cycles within the creative industry thru. I've been very
interested in testing a hypothesis on how ARG methods and certain game
tropes could be applied to learning. If you'd like to read more about, check
out http://www.thenobleclass.com/concept/index.htm

I just finished a project with a NYC creative agency that involved
developing ARG type quests in/around the city. Since then I've been hooked
with making time to develop a better awareness of the current ARG scene.



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