[arg_discuss] Toyota lawsuit

Michael Andersen mandersen at argn.com
Fri Oct 23 13:08:40 EDT 2009

I agree with most of the sentiments that have been aired so far, and would
like to add that this also raises concerns about whether opt-out procedures
should be set in place and communicated, especially in cases where the
contact is prolonged or when you'll be using automated responses.

I think offering explicit signals of the game's fictionality is integral to
good game design, and the earlier that is done, the better so as to avoid
confusion. Additionally, you need to consider a fairly wide range of media
literacies in signaling that fictionality, because otherwise you're relying
on third parties to do the signaling for you.

As for the case itself, I managed to obtain a copy of the complaint, and
should be posting it on ARGNet sometime this weekend, with a more detailed
explanation of what the campaign entailed.

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