[arg_discuss] screenwriting software ARG enabled

Brooke Thompson brooke at giantmice.com
Fri Jul 31 12:24:37 EDT 2009

I will second Scrivener for Mac users. It is one of my my most
favorite programs ever - and not just for writing (though I get a good
deal of that done on it as well).

It's definitely not an intended use, but it is amazing for pulling
together websites - no matter how large or complex. Not for the coding
of it, but for organizing the various media and text. It's been an
invaluable resource on my last few projects.


On Jul 31, 2009, at 10:58 AM, Andrea Phillips wrote:

> I'm very, very pleased with Scrivener as a writing application. Can't

> praise it enough. It's for the Mac, though. For Windows, the makers of

> Scrivener recommend PageFour, but have a nice set of links describing

> various competing writing/screenwriting apps for Mac and Windows here:

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