[arg_discuss] Res: Res: What is an ARG? minimal, skeptic, nihilistic version

Brian Clark bclark at gmdstudios.com
Tue Jul 7 09:58:11 EDT 2009

Fascinating conversation here about emerging markets, and something Andres
pointed out might be worth a side conversation:

> they usually say "wow, that's great!" but in the end, they

> are afraid to innovate... follow the money, do the known and

> true (and old and boring...).

To be fair, what you describe is the same here in the US market (but I don't
think it is innovation they fear, it is perceived riskiness.) Over the
years, I've found a few techniques that can be helpful in making that case.

1. Lead with measurement. An ARG (or other innovation) shouldn't be
something that's unmeasureable, or means buying into some alternate metrics
schema. Find out what bell the client wants to ring (perception, awareness,
sales, etc.) and show how you'll show them you're ringing that bell.

2. No ARG is an island. No one should be pitching to an agency doing an ARG
instead of an advertising campaign: focus on how the ARG element of a
campaign to help every other channel produce more results. After all, that
media spend is where you're going to build your audience.

3. Explain away the chaos. Help an agency understand that they'll be able to
manage you managing the chaos, show them the kinds of documents you'll use
to do that.

4. Evangelize the power of iteration. Help an agency understand that unlike
traditional campaigns, those metrics and processes will allow you to improve
the chances of success from direct audience feedback.

None of those things necessarily solve all the problems for every agency and
client and market, but if I go in anticipating those kinds of concerns I
find I can derail a lot of the more common fear-based objections. And, to be
honest, that advice is more general than ARGs (as similar rules work for
other places where you're helping an agency innovate outside of their core

Great conversation, love learning more about the details in different
markets (I'm always as struck by the similarities as much as the



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