[arg_discuss] Let's Welcome the IGDA's New Executive Director!

Andrea Phillips andrhia at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 11:46:21 EDT 2009

Great news, everybody. I've mentioned in chats that the IGDA has been
in a transition period recently due to various administrative and
technical changes underway. Among other things, the IGDA was searching
for a new executive director, and now they've found their man. (Those
of you who are card-carrying IGDA members may have already received
the announcement email.)

I'd like you to join me in welcoming Joshua Caulfield to the IGDA --
and also to the SIG list. I spoke to him this morning, and he seems
both charming and thoroughly capable, so I think we're in good hands.

Those of you who are card-carrying IGDA members may have already
received the announcement email.
For more information, you can read the Gamasutra article:
The official IGDA announcement: http://www.igda.org/newsroom/EDAnnouncement.pdf
Or you can read about the gentleman in his own words, in the new IGDA
staff blog: http://igdaed.wordpress.com/

Andrea Phillips
Words * Culture * Interaction

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