[arg_discuss] Introduction

Vlad Alex vladiweb at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 22 05:06:18 EST 2009

Good morning,

My name is Vlad Alex aka Merzmensch (kosmopol at Unfiction), I'm
Russian writer and literary scientist living in Germany. I came across
ARG phenomenon being addicted 2007 as a player to Cloverfield ARG/ARE.
After joining Unfiction and later ARG forum of ARGReporter I
discovered for me the world of ARGs and became a passionate player.
Later I was (co-)puppetmaster of some grassroot ARGs (3 stories till
now). I write my German blog about ARGs from the player perspective:
(http://merzmensch.blogspot.com). For me ARG is not only entertainment
or marketing medium, but also a new kind of art, almost a
gesamtkunstwerk (in avant-garde meaning) in its multimediality and
globality. I joined this list because I am very interested in the ARG
theory and in further developements. And in your opinions about it.

P.S. And forgive me my terrible English please :-)
Vlad Alex

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