[arg_discuss] TOW: What's the worst unforseen disaster you had inan ARG, and how did you handle it?

Evan Jones evan at mysteryjones.com
Thu Jan 8 08:33:01 EST 2009

Too many lessons learned over the years - I could write ten of these

One memorable instance was a storyline that involved the lead scientists of
the fictional lab discovering and sequencing the lost 1918 Spanish Flu and
then being betrayed by colleagues who weaponized the virus and planned to
wipe out half the planet. The only snag was that almost to the exact day of
that storyline's release - a REAL scientist managed to sequence the same
virus in the EXACT SAME WAY which created two 'annoying' predicaments.
1. News wire services were now flooding the internet with every searchable
term that I was using, rendering gameplay impossible.
2. I was about to launch a realistic-looking plan to weaponize a disease
that killed up to 100 million people in the last century.


Evan Jones
Stitch Media

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