[arg_discuss] ARG SIG Conference

Brooke Thompson brooke at giantmice.com
Thu Aug 6 18:21:55 EDT 2009

There isn't, yet, any sort of declared vision for this conference.
Looking at our "about" page (which I still struggle with...), our
primary mission is outreach. Yet we've done very little of that
outside of the White Paper (wouldn't it be great to present a new
White Paper at the conference... any interest in helping me out with
that?). This conference would allow us to do that. But, I don't know
that any of us has a real desire to just talk to a bunch of people who
only want to pick our brains - there's got to be some sort of give &

"This SIG will also serve as an initial contact-point for the many
organizations who have trouble knowing where to look but want to work
with ARG developers both professional and hobbyist."

So, we should reach out to those that would be looking for people who
know and understand alternate reality gaming (and similar) - ad &
media execs seem like an obvious choice, but there are others like the
similarly minded, but not yet all that connected, indie film and game
communities (though this gets into DIYDays and is probably why it
comes to my mind right now). I see a day conference in NYC where there
isn't a huge commitment being made to fly out just to something that
you're kinda interested in learning a bit more about. Add on a pretty
decent networking event and I think it could be a really interesting
something or other. A second day could allow us to go into more in
depth sorts of talks and maybe reverse the roles a little bit - pull
in people from the publishing world or ad world and have them present
on what we can gain from them and their knowledge, etc. Something
like that, which would offer them the opportunity to present to us,
would make the travel commitment easier.

At least that's what I'm picturing in my mind :)

On Aug 6, 2009, at 5:20 PM, Brian Clark wrote:


> I'm really not feeling what the vision is for the conference. I can't

> imagine who'd go to it, or what we would get out of it.


> So what's the proactive vision of what you think this conference

> looks like,

> beyond the critique of what ARGfest is ... why would people go to it

> instead

> of DIY Days or Branded Entertainment Summit or SXSW or GDC or all of

> those

> other places that these people already go?


> And then ... isn't ARG-Sig a small enough ad hocracy that this seems

> like a

> huge undertaking to tackle with no infrastructure?


> Sorry to sound like Debbie Downer.



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