[arg_discuss] Topic of the Week Aug. 3: Show and Tell

Brooke Thompson brooke at giantmice.com
Tue Aug 4 18:48:07 EDT 2009

There was a scene in Metacortechs that always comes to mind with these
sorts of questions. We had these little cyberpunk kids who were
beginning to discover that *something* was up with the internet
(matrix themed). One of the character's story arcs sort of mirrored
Ceasar's and, in fact, we were subtle enough to name him Caesar. At
one point, we wanted to do a retelling of part of Shakespeare's Caesar
into cyberpunk. Now, for some reason this task fell onto me. I do not
fancy myself a writer, I can barely understand Shakespeare, and
cyberpunk has never been a favorite genre of mine. Yet somehow, it
turned out not bad. Some might even say it was quite good.

Granted, it's not fantastic and I'm sure a more capable writer could
have done taken it to that next step, but because it took me out of my
element in so many ways, it always brings a smile to may face... in
fact, I know parts of it by heart and have been known to quote the bit
about him not knowing his Monet from his anime (anime...Manet... heh?
that's funny, right? this is where it always breaks down for me. I get
so tickled that I explain it and if you have to explain it...).



On Aug 3, 2009, at 2:53 PM, Andrea Phillips wrote:

> With that in mind, this week's topic is Show and Tell: In your body of

> work, what are the couple of things you've done that you're the

> absolute most proud of? I'm not talking an entire project, mind --

> just small, individual pieces of the larger whole. A video clip, a

> puzzle design, a spectacular venue find for an event... what have you

> got? I know it's a hard question, and could be akin to "which one was

> your favorite chocolate chip in the cookie," but see what you can come

> up with. ^_^

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