[arg_discuss] Topic of the Week Aug. 3: Show and Tell

Andres M. Quijano andres at jengibre.com.ar
Tue Aug 4 16:51:22 EDT 2009

In The Lost Ring some players picked up a codex (a document) in a library.

One of the players, explaining to the store owner the weirdness of the
situation, proved her that he wasn't doing anything illegal by showing
her the document, which was in esperanto. The store owner, out of the
blue, told him that near the shop there is the local Esperanto

This wasn't scripted at all, but the players freaked out and started
to investigate that Esperanto Society. We actually did included the
society in the story somehow, but the best part was that we hid one of
the rings (the lost ring!) inside the Esperanto Society!

The players came up with a plan that they were a rock band and they
wanted to make a song in Esperanto, so they contacted the society and
asked for an esperanto lesson, and when we went there (I joined the
players), we almost literally stole the ring

You can see the video that we made with english subtitles here:

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 3:53 PM, Andrea Phillips<andrhia at gmail.com> wrote:

> We have a lot of amazing people who have done a lot of amazing things

> here. I wish more of you were more forthright about telling us what

> you're doing and what you're especially proud of. A surprisingly

> modest crew, you are.


> With that in mind, this week's topic is Show and Tell: In your body of

> work, what are the couple of things you've done that you're the

> absolute most proud of? I'm not talking an entire project, mind --

> just small, individual pieces of the larger whole. A video clip, a

> puzzle design, a spectacular venue find for an event... what have you

> got? I know it's a hard question, and could be akin to "which one was

> your favorite chocolate chip in the cookie," but see what you can come

> up with. ^_^

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