[arg_discuss] Topic of the Week Aug. 3: Show and Tell

Brian Clark bclark at gmdstudios.com
Tue Aug 4 16:30:35 EDT 2009

> In your body of work, what are the couple of things you've

> done that you're the absolute most proud of?

I can pick out a couple, although it pains me a bit that I'm not picking a
moment from "Art of the Heist".

Before ARG, a collaboration between Gregg Hale and the folks at Haxan Films,
David Goyer and GMD Studios did an eight-month prelude (and then broadcast
extended reality) for a television show called "Freakylinks". The lead
character (on the Web at least) was voiced by Brian Cain (who's now at
Campfire and was also involved in Heist and other stuff). Building out Derek
Barnes' history of paranormal investigations was a Photoshopping and prop
building joy best typified by "Stormy Day" the fictional three-legged South
Florida stripper (who continues to get invitations and inquiries to this
day): A Stripper With Something Extra: http://tinyurl.com/mkhaeq ... people
literally thought (once Fox announced the television show) that the network
was ripping off poor little Freakylinks.com :)

At the other end of the extremes, I'm really proud of physical event in
Eldritch Errors that was really daring -- asking players to drive to rural
West Virginia, take an antique train up a mountain, and be stranded there
overnight with dubious fictional characters from the narrative. It was a
three-day experience for most of the participants, with a full 36-hour
stretch of "in character" interaction. We wrote a little behind the scenes
wrap up about it (http://tinyurl.com/ysplrj) but like many of my favorite
moments, I only get to hear about it from the players that participated in

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