[arg_discuss] Getting my ARG feet wet

Michel McBride-Charpentier michel.mcbride at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 10:33:17 EDT 2008

First of all, I would suggest reading the timelines and wikis of previous
ARGs if you're completely unfamiliar with how they play out and develop.

If you've never participated in one before, then there's a great opportunity
coming up with Jane McGonigal's latest game Superstruct. The website just
went live a couple of days ago, but the game officially begins October 6th.

Check it out: http://www.superstructgame.org/

I'm in a similar position, where I have an interest in creating ARGs, but
only very limited exposure and experience with them. I feel that Superstruct
is a perfect introduction to the ARG design and development process because
it involves the creation of content on the part of the players. As I
understand it, you'll be able to create your own stories within the
Superstruct universe using tools such as Youtube and blogs and Facebook and
all the other web applications used in actually designing an ARG.

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