[arg_discuss] we are obsolete (RE:Copycatwarningoveralternative reality games)

Mike Monello mmonello at campfirenyc.com
Mon Oct 13 16:26:21 EDT 2008

I recently downloaded Braid because it is receiving extremely high praise for it's complex narrative. I'm about halfway through and I do think it is one of the more sophisticated marriages of video game and narrative, especially in that the player's "powers" and actions in the game intrinsically relate and expand upon narrative. We'll see if it holds up to the end, I guess.

But even there, the narrative gives the game a "literary" feel, rather than being a unique narrative experience that you couldn't have in any other medium. It's closer, but that nut still needs to be cracked!


On 10/9/08 6:32 PM, "Wendy Despain" <wendeth at wendydespain.com> wrote:

I for one have no problem with the ARG label or the hanging out with
video game folks. Videogames are more and more interested in narrative
these days, and I think the "gamey" parts of ARGs improve the player

And when I tell videogame devs that I also do ARGs they no longer
stare blankly at me and think I just choked on something.

I plan to continue to embrace it and love it and call it george.

Mike Monello
Partner, Campfire

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