[arg_discuss] ARGology stuff

Morbus Iff morbus at disobey.com
Thu May 8 15:38:33 EDT 2008

> I haven't had any problems yet. Let's see what versions they're offering...

> Pligg 9.9, Joomla! 1.5.2, MediaWiki 1.12.0, WordPress 2.5.1, PHPBB 3.0.0.

> Okay, PHPBB should be upgraded to 3.0.1, but other than that it all seems

> up to date. And I'll set up an FTP user so trusted SIG members like

> yourself can modify the installs. ;)

Well, of those, the only ones I'd consider myself an advanced user in
(being defined as: used for more than two years, installed/maintained
more than three or four times, and some development work) would be
MediaWiki. And I thought wikis were already ruled out as being Useful
for this site. So, I wouldn't be FTPing at all ;)

(Note: I'm not trying to disparage any of these applications. I would
have remarked about the one-click devil if, in fact, Drupal was part of
those options too. I've just heard more bad things about one-clicks than
I have good things.)

Morbus Iff ( whooooooo's hoooouuuuuse? )
Technical: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/779
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