[arg_discuss] Price range and timing

Thomas Svendsen thomasgrue at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 04:02:58 EST 2008

Hi everyone

I have been following the discussions on this list for quite some time now.
At first I was following along because I was writing a master thesis that
was centered around a theoretic discussion about the possibilities of
facilitating learning within an educational ARG. Now I mostly follow along
because I work within digital marketing for a large Danish company. Recently
I proposed that we should create an ARG and I was faced with questions that
I have never considered as my focus has always been centered around the
theoretical aspects of the genre. They where pretty basic but at the same
time hard for me to answer: How much will it cost and when should we begin
brainstorming an creating concepts and storyline in order to support the
overall marketing campaign starting March/April 2009?

Do any of you have any idea about these aspects? I was thinking that we are
going to hire an "ARG company" to create the overall experience as I fear we
do not have the competencies in-house.

Any help would be appreciated!


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