[arg_discuss] Open Source ARGs

Wendy Despain wendeth at wendydespain.com
Wed Jul 30 18:41:58 EDT 2008

On Wed, July 30, 2008 9:16 am, David Fono wrote:

> I mention all this of course because I think this is all a pretty

> clear precedent for the sort of thing John is suggesting -- but I'm

> also wondering if anyone else out there knows what I'm talking about

> and can connect the dots for me. I strongly suspect that there are

> entire massive communities dedicated to this sort of thing that

> everyone has known about for a while now, but I'm in the dark.

Personally, I associate movements like the one you described with the
"yes-and" method used in improv theater. Here's some commentary about
it from Colbert:

I'm studying a bit of improv theory through the lense of ARG game
design and coming up with some interesting thoughts. For instance, the
problem of getting players/partners/users to participate is directly
addressed in improv material such as this:

So if you're interested in finding more along these lines, google
might be able to point you toward some interesting improv-related

Wendy Despain

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