[arg_discuss] Play Testing an ARG?

Jeff McNab jeff at tragicgeek.com
Tue Feb 12 15:12:50 EST 2008

Currently I'm working on developing my first ARG and have come across
issues that I'd like to get feedback about. Obviously, this is what
the mailing list is all about. The biggest thing pressing down on my
team and I at the moment is about play testing. Obviously in a more
traditional game model, play testing is easy to do behind closed
doors. Of course, we can check for technical issues on our own, but
there are always bugs and game play systems that need to be tested by
people unfamiliar with the project. How does one go about this
without spoiling the ARG? NDA testers? Or is the norm to release and
then revise, in a manner similar to MMOs?

Jeff McNab
jeff at tragicgeek.com

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