[arg_discuss] Introduction

Michael Monello mmonello at campfirenyc.com
Mon Nov 12 17:12:24 EST 2007

On Nov 12, 2007, at 3:57 PM, Jason Chrest wrote:

> I discovered that tons of people's eyes glimmer when considering the

> possibilities of running a promotional ARG. Problem was that we

> were approaching smaller companies and even with low balled figures

> they didn't want to spend. 5,000 for a three month game seemed to

> me to be a real deal lol.

Underbidding is probably the quickest way to kill your project. Most
clients have a basic understanding of the costs of staff, graphics and
web production, video production, etc., and if you underbid then they
will immediately assume you don't know what you are doing or worse,
you'll over-promise, under-deliver and affect their brand negatively.


Michael Monello
Partner, Campfire

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