[arg_discuss] Introduction

Jason Chrest jason at aporiacme.com
Mon Nov 12 15:57:00 EST 2007

Hello all,

Jason Chrest from the small group at Aporia Cross-Media Entertainment. I'm co-founder and lead developer for the group. I've produced a couple of small grassroots games, one which drew some good attention gosh a year ago now lol. My partner and I spent several months reaching out to various companies and trying to promote ourselves and the genre to them. I discovered that tons of people's eyes glimmer when considering the possibilities of running a promotional ARG. Problem was that we were approaching smaller companies and even with low balled figures they didn't want to spend. 5,000 for a three month game seemed to me to be a real deal lol.

Currently we're in the process of trying to gain an identity as a group that can successfully produce a large game. We've got a small/minuscule budget, but enough good volunteers to be successful. I've been around the SIG for some time now and I really enjoy the information provided by so many wonderful individuals. I'll make an effort to be more involved though... And hopefully not get arrested in the process (yeah I wanna hear the story too - lol)
Jason Chrest
Aporia Cross-Media Entertainment
jason at aporiacme.com

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