[arg_discuss] Introduction

Bryan Alexander Bryan.Alexander at nitle.org
Mon May 28 19:43:39 EDT 2007

I'll join in. I'm the research director for NITLE, a group of 110+
small colleges in Europe, Africa, and the US. I study emerging
technologies, like web 2.0 and gaming.

...which is one way I got into ARGs. For me they're a fine example of
Web 2.0 storytelling.

And also educational gold. I've been telling academics about these
since before ILoveBees, and at last there are some projects.

There is bloggery, mostly at http://infocult.typepad.com/ for
ARGishness. More of my .edu work is here:
http://b2e.nitle.org/index.php .

I'm on the road, somewhere north of the Sahara, so will be in better
communication next week-

-----Original Message-----
From: arg_discuss-bounces at igda.org [mailto:arg_discuss-bounces at igda.org]
On Behalf Of LoJack
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 6:51 PM
To: Discussion list of the IGDA ARG SIG
Subject: [arg_discuss] Introduction

After being on the list for a month or two, i thought it would be worth
introducing myself. i'm AJ, an IT Manager from the UK, roleplayer,
roleplaying game designer, layout artist and Techno Pagan.

I think i became interested on the periphery of Perplex City, but i
i've been interested in the genre for a lot longer, films like Michael
Douglas's The Game, and thing like that have always intrigued me. I
i'm interested these days in what ARGs show us about people, the
expectations of them, and what people are prepared to do as players as a

mass decision making machine.

A friend and I are looking at running a UK Based ARG-lite, based on some

roleplaying material we have, definitely a small player base, as a first

run to prove the concept.


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