[arg_discuss] Nine Inch Nails ARG

Michael Cox mikeyj.cox at gmail.com
Wed May 23 07:21:04 EDT 2007

I'm a big (and no longer ashamed of it - despite being a big hairy bloke,
rather than a waif-like, hippy nymphette) fan of Tori Amos. The characters
and their blogs are truly integrated with the album and with the tour, which
is great. The posts have provoked quite a number of comments, all directed
to the character rather than Tori, and some respondents have even been
composing poetry for them. The feel of the experience is a little like
World Without Oil in that respect, but more passive as the characters aren't
actively soliciting contributions.

Thinking of myself, it would be great if I could create a character that
desperately needed to be taught the ins and outs of the polymerase chain
reaction or really needed (it's life or death) 30 essays on the molecular
ecology of dimethyl sulfide biogeochemistry and actually receive them.
Somehow, I think I'm going to have to be cleverer than that.

And as someone on the ground at Frozen indigo Angel, the music got in the
way! There's me trying to save the world and phoning the guys online and I
couldn't hear them because Jamie T was strumming away. He wouldn't turn the
music down. Rude of him really. It was a cool venue though, and I finally
got to see The Gossip.

Plus Adrian, you're being modest, there was an entire album produced for
season 1 of Perplex City ;)


> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


> Message: 1

> Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 18:13:30 +0200

> From: "eva nieuwdorp" <eva.nieuwdorp at gmail.com>

> Subject: Re: [arg_discuss] Nine Inch Nails ARG

> To: "Discussion list of the IGDA ARG SIG" <arg_discuss at igda.org>

> Message-ID:

> <4acb42c80705210913y51d1ce3al81cf60e1c0867e23 at mail.gmail.com>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


> citation:

> <Also, I nearly ruined a great pair of pants upon seeing the color change>

> They got me too...quite a hoot and a half.


> It's a cool concept to tie in games with music...I am looking into the

> possibility of writing a paper on the subject. Anyone know of any previous

> cases like this (I heard Beck was looking into it at one point too, and

> Tori

> Amos is also expanding her work into a more transmedial realm)?


> Any leads gladly appreciated!

> Cheers,


> Eva


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