[arg_discuss] A Meta-ARG Website Idea

John Evans btradish at earthlink.net
Wed Mar 7 03:09:56 EST 2007

=====Mark Heggen:

>While the idea of a "clearing house" of trailheads, plot/character

>development, plot advancements and so on is certainly intriguing, it

>seems that placing all involved ARGs within one single "universe"

>might create a lot of problems. To so blatantly cross the continuities

>of the various in-game plots is confusing at best and destructive at

>worst. If these stories are taking place in the same universe,

>information from one would need to apply in others. Isn't the chance

>pretty high that problems would emerge?

That's an interesting question...However, I'm not really convinced
that it matters. I mean, what you're supposing is a situation where
someone is saying..."Hey, this plot development in Game A is wrong
because I read on this news website about something in Game B that
contradicts it!" First, that situation is unlikely, and is more
unlikely if we're careful about what gets posted on the website.
Second, someone would have to be following both games and care enough
about them. (Although that would probably be more likely if the site
exists, huh?) Third, this person would want to raise a stink about
it...probably just to be a pain about it, because they'd be breaking
down the suspension of disbelief barriers in their own mind in order
to pursue this.

And finally, if all that came to pass, what effect would it have?
Would anyone really care? I suspect it would be worth a thread
somewhere on Unfiction with replies like "Ha ha, you're right, that's
silly" and then get forgotten.

But that's just how *I* see it, of course...

=====Christy Dena:

>I've been working on that exact idea for a while too. But I'm not

>making up any fiction (!)...I'm including ingame/instory fiction

>that has been created in some world (producer or fan created)...and

>I'm including non-ARG content as well...basically an aggregator of

>all the ingame/instory stuff that is EVERYWHERE.


>Perhaps, if there are others who interested/also working on the

>idea...we could team up?

I just had this idea, I discussed it with a friend of mine who was
also into ARGs..."Sounds cool." "I think I'll post on the SIG list
about it." "Yeah, do that." So there's no other work being done on
it that I know of, certainly none that I'm doing! Although, yes, I
*am* interested in helping, because it does sound fun...


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