[arg_discuss] Introduction

érica benites manssour kikabm at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 18:44:07 EDT 2007

Hi everybody!

I had just sign in to this list and already I would like to ask you
something. But first I guess I should introduce myself to all of you.

My name is Érica Manssour and I'm a college student of Brazil. The reason I
joined the list is that ARGs are the subject of the work my group and I are
doing in order do obtain our bachelors degree. The first stage is
theoretical, so right now we're at this writing stage. The second phase
happens over the next semester, when we intend to develop an (small) ARG.

All that said my question is the following:

Does any of you know if there is a list with the ARGs done in the
USA(containing all would be, perhaps, a little bit pretentious, so at
with the most notorious ones)? Like a timeline or a chronology?

We have actually started gathering some data (it's at the end of this
message), but also we're having a hard time trying to research and built it
for some reasons: first, ARGs are still a new subject, and as all of you
probably know, there isn't yet *much* academic work about it. Also, the
language barrier sometimes gets in our way. And last, but not least, we're
running out of time.

With this list in hands we would like to try to prove that ARGs are still in
ascension at USA and then link to the Brazilian experience with the genre
(ARGs are currently starting to spread over here, already with some
promising results).

Anyway, I hope I made myself clear and sorry for not being very brief.

Thank you all, already, for any help you could give us.

Érica Manssour

p.s.: Excuse me for any mistake (grammatical or orthographical), too
repeated words or anything else. My English knowledge is not that good yet.


*April to (???)* - The Beast

*(????) to (?????) - *Chasing the Wish

*(????) to (?????) - *Majestic


*(????) to (?????) - *Lockjaw

*(????) to (?????) - *Push, Nevada


*(????) to (?????) - *I Love Bees

*(????) to (?????) - *Urban Hunt


*March to (?????)* - Perplex City

*May to December* – Omnifam

*September to November* - Last Call Poker

*November to January 2006* – Orbital Colony

*(????) to (?????)* - Art of The Heist

*(????) to (?????) - *Jamie Kane


*January to April** *– Who Is Benjamin Stove

*March to (????)* – EDOC Laundry

*April to September *– The LOST Experience

*May to September* - Catching the Wish

*May to (????) * – Omnifam

*May to (????)* – Studio Cypher

*July to (????)* – Ocular Effect

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