[arg_discuss] ARG Design Documents?

Beth Aileen Dillon beth.a.dillon at gmail.com
Sat Jul 21 23:30:39 EDT 2007

I was wondering if any ARG creators out there would be willing to
share their game design documents for the development of a First
Nations (specifically Squamish) non-profit ARG out in the Vancouver,
British Columbia area.

Along with working with the Aboriginal History Media Arts Lab, I am
developing aboriginal non-profit ARGs for a PhD at Simon Fraser

Any guidance is much appreciated, as although I am familiar with game
writing (mmm AI barks in Excel sheets and one sentence character
descriptions), I'm new to the ARG scene.

- Beth
P.S. The White Paper is extremely helpful!

Beth Aileen Dillon
PhD Student, Simon Fraser University
Editor, Gamasutra's GameCareerGuide.com

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